the strap has a really high quality made buckle - again with the Marvin logo. One reason that I keep mentioning where the Marvin logo is placed, is because many watches that don't have these "signed" piece feel too much, as though they are made from sourced watch parts (this is especially the way I feel when I see a watch strap buckle without a brand signature on it). Marvin has the feel of a more brand dedicated product that isn't part of a common parts bin. Thus you get this special attention on the crown, buckle, and on the back of the strap.Even though the watch is retro and sporty, it is still a nice watch. On the other side of the case you'll find an engraving of the initials of the original founders of the Marvin brad - a detail you find on all Marvin watches.Having a thin polished bezel gives the M103 a large look given the 44mm wide case. The sapphire crystal is raised and nicely beveled. A look that is common in Marvin watches. For another piece of brand identity you can see the red number "8" on the watch dial, as well as the color of the reserve side of the leather watch strap. Like all nice Marvin watches.